St.Mary’s English Medium School Kodancherry
ADMISSION OPEN.....2025-2026

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St.Mary's English Medium School

St.Mary's English Medium School ,Kodanchery is nestled in a rustic ambiance abutting to the  F.C Convent Kodanchery.What was once a hilly and bushy area became an abode of learning for the tiny tots of the kinder garten in 1996 under the pioneering leadership of Rev.Sr.Louis Lato (The Provincial Superior.) The KG brought  joy to the neighbourhood with the support of Sr.Candida , who became the first Headmistress.Fr.Joseph Mannur , The parish priest of Kodanchery had initiated many developmental programmes for the parish community.He helped very much with his timely advice ,guidance and encouragement.

This institution was started in 1996 in the ground floor of the convent building. In the year 1997, it was shifted to the present place and was blessed by Fr.Joseph Mannur on 2nd  June 1997. In 2001, foundation stone was laid for the school complex. The academic year 2003-04 was very important in the history of St.Mary's English Medium School because the clases were conducted in the new building for the first time. During the academic year 2012-13 the school experienced a momentous event .when it received NOC from the State Government and Recognition from CBSE Board.On 27th May the school recieved affiliation from CBSE Board (CBSE Delhi , Affiliation No: 931058) .

We acknowledge the contribution of Rev.Sr.Louis Lato, Rev.Sr.Jovanis ,Rev.Sr.Tresa Jose ,The former Managers.Who have kept it standing strong and sturdy a top the hill of achievement throughout the years. Rev.Sr.Candida, Rev.Sr.Mercy, Rev.Sr.Jaya Tom, Rev.Sr.Daria , Mr.George K P ,Rev.Sr.Lilly john,The pillars of the school  have played a pivotal role in the success stories of the school community and have placed it in the educational map of Kerala.Even in its very young years ,the school was at its academic excellence not only because of its physical attributes but mainly because of the staff whose caliber was manifested in the academic performance of students.The school PTA played a vital role in the development of the school. Mr.V D Joseph ,Shaji Vandanakkara , K.S Shaju and C K Joy, Former PTA Presidents, rendered thier  services time to time for the development of the school.

It has grown stone by stone brick by brick into a well recognised and much appreciated secondary school .It has a strong structure with the modern facilities such as spacious and well ventilated class rooms, well equipped montessori class rooms , computer and science laboratories, Library,auditorium , Play ground , Children's park , Garden with many plants and flowers.In the academic front , every year our students excel in the AISSC examination with 100 % pass result.On the co-curricular front our students participate in the Arts and Sports competitions conducted by the Malabar Sahodaya and grade too many prizes with 'A' grade .Students have made their presence in the State Kalolsav and secured prizes with ' A' grade.Our School Organizes SEWA (Social Empowerment Work in Action)for raising community awarenese regarding health , Sanitation , civic habits and environment, care for senior citizens of our community. Environmental activities like cleanups.Through this we assure that our motto is   "To Love and Serve " ...........